My art history professor once said that all you needed to understand a painting was a chair. I whole heartily agree. Once you've been in a museum you understand the sheer quantity of space you have to traverse to examine the multitude of artwork any one institution can hold. Benches have been responsible for keeping many a weary tourist from collapsing on the floor, and should this be their only duty I would applaud them as useful objects. But they have come to mean more than this to me.... they are friends. Without them I find myself carried along by the wave of casual onlookers, lost in a sea of brief glances, allotted only a few moments to take in such masterpieces of antiquity and artistry as have been exhibited to celebrate the creative spirit. Being shoved past one painting to the next I suddenly spot a soft place of refuge. Quickly I edge out of the current and all is clear...I can breath again
and see again. Now I have all the time in the world, no matter
where in the world I am, to enjoy the rich pallet and gripping strokes of an impressionist whom I've just met. His name is Henri Gervex and I am getting to know his painting. Though I am thousands of miles from home I feel safe, (benches are universal ) :)
Cafe scene in Paris Henri Gervex 1877
Its a beautiful painting if you have the time
to take it in.
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